Friday, February 4, 2011

Author Ron MacDonald: They Own it All (Including You) by Means of Toxic ...

Authors Ronald MacDonald and Robert Rowen, M.D. prove, in simple easy language, that we are living in a financial "Matrix". Behind a fraudulent and corrupt monetary system lies a hidden creditor. This book proves that this creditor is actually the puppeteer of an insolvent government and hidden master of all American citizens and courts. The creditor has deviously devised a monetary system based on exchange of debt owned by the creditor. As one may not see one specific tree in the forest, one does not see a hidden mark (lien) on every transaction he makes, until that specific mark is actually pointed out. Then it becomes visible for all time. This book proves that we all have become subject to a devious scheme for our daily transactions.

They Own It All (Including You!) reveals the common denominator for the economic implosion, loss of unalienable rights, rise of government tyranny, and how the servant (government) became the master, though itself serving a well hidden higher master. By making the invisible (toxic and liened currency) visible the reader is empowered to remedy a collapsing society with solid steps to create a new order for the People, not the government and its hidden puppeteers.

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